Yes, I know ..we just released ComicPress 2.8 .. that doesn’t mean I don’t start work on 2.8.1 right?   In the immortal words of Tyler Martin … 1 bug fix, 20 new features.

  1. New Post and Body Classes .. new body classes include “time of day” so you can make CSS change via the time of the day it is on your site among other things including if you’re on a single page it will give you classes based on what category the post is in and more.   New Post classes is a wrap around the .post wrapping around it with alt and even class elements as well as the post author.
  2. New wrapper elements *ALL* over.  Including .sidebar-top .sidebar-content and .sidebar-bottom among others that let you further customize your site.  My favorite being #page-wrap .. #page-wrap sits *inside* #page and #page-wide so that it will keep the consistant 780 or 980px while you expand out #page and #page-wide wider so you can embed a background image further then the normal constrains.
  3. Avatars packs, these are graphic packs that let your users who do not have Gravatars be able to have avatars that depict either the default or avatar pack that you design.  This was written so that if the same user uses the same name/email they always have they would keep continually being assigned the same one. (unless more or added or some removed)
  4. ThemePacks,  .. Themepacks are .. erm … well how do I describe this?  .. Distributable site designs.   Basically it’s as simple as that.  You can download or create theme packs that modify the design of the site and distribute them to other people to choose as their themepack.  In the future there will be alot more modifications allowable including replacing certain segments of code with your own code by just having replacement .php files in the themepack directory.

A bug fix where the <div>’s werent setup right on a couple pages =)

There will be continual developement on ComicPress as you can see.

You can get the latest builds of ComicPress from here: just remember these are developement builds and you should use at your own risk.   Generally they won’t be on there unless I checked it out first to make sure it’s working right.

– Phil (Frumph)