ComicPress 2.9.2* series was released, here are some of the changes.
- IMPORTANT: New MENUBAR Go to appearance -> menu’s to set it up.
- directory/images location fixes for subdirectory installations
- fixed the storylines archive dropdown category box to display proper storyline category order (thanks dante8)
- fixed bug with sidebar bleeding with $title by changing it to $sidebartitle
- all of the widgets have been renamed to remove the ‘comicpress’ title in front of them so that they’re found alphabetical on the list, which also means you will lose your widgets, just re-add them to the sidebars, removed excess code in every one of them cleaning them up
- first_in_category, previous_in_category, next_in_category, last_in_category buttons now exist so you can have multiple comics on each site, including the latest thumbnail widget to specify which category you want to display. setup storylines, make a storyline category for each comic then checkmark those buttons on the navigation put it undercomic and it will *only* navigate that single category storyline.
- fixed comic blog post widget to display content again
- added the wp 3.0 background option in the appearance menu *shrug could use CSS with companion* but some people want it easy on them
- numerous other little changes to fix issues with
- checkchildthemeforfile function no longer exists
- childfunctions.php in the child themes is now child-functions.php
- made adjustments to have it fully qualify for the theme repository
- You WILL have to redo your widgets (not text widgets, your regular comicpress widgets.
- Your child themes will all still work, however again; check your custom functions for function name changes., replace with originals and remodify them.
- childfunctions.php in the child themes is now child-functions.php
- Remove any other versions of comicpress that have ComicPress as a name in the style.css.
- DELETE old, replace with new. Do *not* just FTP over older versions.
- WordPress 3.0
- PHP 5
- The knowledge that this is just a theme that works with WordPress, the theme is designed with CSS, you should have a small amount of knowledge in designing your look of your site utilizing CSS.
- ComicPress Dev’s are not responsible for hosting that has permission issues, if you have problems with permissions you can ask however we can at anytime refuse assistance with problems based on permissions for PHP to access your hosting because of those permissions. The proper customer service to ask is your hosting provider’s customer service.
- ComicPress is a blank-slate theme, which means developing the look of your site is your responsibility. ComicPress developers have provided the theme companion plugin, the ability to make child themes and an extremely large amount of CSS classes and ID’s to work with. CSS and the knowledge of how CSS works is something that is utilized on the web to design every website.
Hello. I am kinda confused: Is this the beta for CP 3.0? As if CP 3.0 will be released when this beta ends? Or do I have to wait even longer for that?
2.9.2 is to keep it updated like the community asked me to, i’m still working on 3.0 at the same time.
Calvin, remember that this is a free software so your comment probably came across a little negative.
Naw, it came across fine; there isnt much latest-news on the 3.0 front and i’ve been working on finalizing the legacy line before 3.0 is released.
Are we supposed to completely delete any previous version of CP and then install this fresh? I was just a little unclear on what “delete old don’t http://ftp...” exactly meant.
Correct, do not ‘overwrite’ old ComicPress versions, remove them, then add the new.
Seems like I have it all back to normal, I like the new background option. Exept my right sidebar widgets and the footer bar are showing up under the blog section in the middle. Exept on the archive pages, it fine there. Ideas?
Disable the comment notes html option in the generals tab in comicpress options will fix that. basically its a bug, missed a in the code
Thanks, you rock!
Hey Frumph, Just auto updated throught my dashbord on wordpress to I can’t get CP config to sink to correct folders of comics and archives, etc. I repoint to correct folders and hit save but it reverts to the wrong folder again.
Never mind I think I got it. Thanks.
=) gotta love auto-fixes, you know this site here, that your on has a tech support chat
Is this a hosted theme via WordPress, or strictly a download to be installed on a separate server?