There is not much to say about Emily Hargrove. At the age of 20 she has accomplished very little nor excels in any particular field. Those who know Emily, recognize a genuinely thoughtful and intelligent person, but a poor attitude makes her a liability rather than an asset. With such poor prospects, the future doesn’t look too bright.
Until the day when a Burgerville supply closet transports her to another world inhabited by unearthly hordes. Now, Emily must rise to the occasion and learn how to survive in the face of incredible odds. Then, just maybe, she can become the master of her new destiny.
WebComic: Astray3
Author: Eldon Cowgur
ELDON COWGUR, a bitter man who likes silly things in ridiculous packages. Maniac of an artist and truly someone who works overtime to bring his imagination to life. Eldon works in the graphic artist industry designing hats for those inclined to wield large caliber weapons.
Seriously LOVE this guys art work to no end. I’d actually buy a print of this thing it’s so awesome. :]