Frumph will be attending InterventionCon sept 10-12th
I will be attending InterventionCon, sept. 10th through the 12th I will be doing Workshops on CSS/Site Design/WordPress/ComicPress/Tricks.
As a bonus to all workshop attendee’s, I will be providing information on how to receive the automated Cast addon to ComicPress child themes as a free download. The casts addon allows you to display your cast members in a totally new to ComicPress way, showing when they first appeared in the comic, how often they have been in the comic, all of the comics they were in with links and other statistics as well as individual biographical information! (I might even have time to include the relationship tree with that too )
If you cannot attend the workshop I will be providing this child theme addon for ComicPress for around $29 (after) the con is over. The addon will be offered as a one time purchase with unlimited upgrades or free for attending any workshops.
– Phil
Discussion (5) ¬
I may have to go to this! It’s in DC, a 9 hr drive at most. If I can’t tho, this add on sounds awesome, I want it. Let me know where to send the dancing girls with your money! *smirk*
Dude, I love this idea!
That’s a GREAT add-on. I must have.
*hands Frumph some candy dice*
Very cool! Intervention is a local con for me, so I’ll definitely be there.