ComicPress 4.0 soon to be released.
I was going to name the new version of Easel, Easel Evolved. Instead I’m going to take a different route. I’m going to name it ComicPress 4.0
I’m going to revive ComicPress – but not with the ComicPress code inside of it. The new theme which has thousands of new enhancements inside of it. (not individual features mind you). Remember I posted a long time ago there will never be a ComicPress 3.0 ? heh that’s why it’s going to be 4.0 / never said there was never going to be a 4.0.
What does this mean to current ComicPress users? It means if you ‘accidently’ update your theme to 4.0 you will instantly have to get the Comic Easel plugin and ComicPress to Comic Easel migrator plugin and migrate all of your comics to the Comic Easel format. Your archive will no longer work and you will need to update your pages for it to include the new shortcode for archives. The child theme I’ve been begging you to make will be required to be updated with the new CSS elements. ALL COMICS need to be only set into a SINGLE category. (it could be multiple different categories, but only one set.)
On a good note. It won’t take much work to update your child theme ..sorta.; and there are new ‘customizer’ options inside of 4.0 that allow you to colorize it and change it’s scheme with point and click. (just like easel-sandbox child theme but included as part of the theme)
If you don’t want to migrate, don’t update your theme.
ComicPress 4.0 will have some nifty features in it Easel doesn’t, specifically for Comics but still be allowed to be used as a blog without Comic Easel if people wanted. (I use it on all my sites) very very very versatile.
I requested ComicPress to be set to not be able to be downloaded anymore from the WordPress repo – until I update it to the new Comic Easel compatible version.
So yeah my mind is made up this IS going to happen. Soon as I’m done with the new release of ComicPress 4.0 it will go live and we’ll see what kind of results we get ya?
– Phil
Coincidentally, for those poor artists out there I will migrate you for free. .. but you knew that.
Discussion (108) ¬
The archive not working…will that effect what I am doing here?
I’m trying to decide if I should take the plunge or not…I also have a cast page with all of the appearances of characters linked up based off the category name for them so that I can pull up all their comics.
You could basically save that as a direct html, the only thing that really would change is the links to the comics themselves. (which really would work otherwise anyways)
that’s an example of the comic-archive for Comic Easel – it takes the description from inside of the chapters -> section for the chapter info and displays the thumbnail of the first comic in the chapter
Chapter’s are very easily maintained by just numbering them in the chapter section.
When is 4 looking to arrive? Because I am seriously thinking about doing it…there is too much potential to ignore it.
This is probably a stupid question, but is there any incompatibilities between Easel and a plugin like this ?
^WordPress already has header image rotating already as part of it. and max like a week or two, depending on the results of the testers.
I didn’t know that WordPress had the rotation thing already in there….I’ve been using this plugin since the early days of going over to Comicpress
oh yeah totally, when you go to appearance -> header it will ‘save’ all of the headers you add to it, then there’s a checkbox that you can click that will make it so it will rotate which one it displays, kinda cool
Yeah you’re probably on an older theme version which doesn’t allow that ability, the new ComicPress 4.0 has it.
Heh, yeah I’m on 2.94 over here. Things have been running so well with it that I’ve been very reluctant to change it.
remember the old saying, if it’s not broke and it’s workin for ya – don’t fix it
if you’re content – stick with it – but I will not be updating old comicpress anymore to be compatible with WordPress
Thanks for the heads up!
I read Brad G’s post on WEBCOMICS.COM and it sounds like I should make sure that I backup everything including my widgets.
I’ve been using COMICPRESS with the FOREBODING theme (which I’ve customized), so it sounds no matter how I slice it, I’ve a lot of work to do when I update.
I’m a real novice at this stuff, so I think this may be the right time to hire you to migrate/customize. Are your rates expensive?
Actually, looking at your site i’m really not seeing anything that would be difficult, you almost (besides changing #content to #content-column) you could probably just almost use your child theme you have straight off the bat.
However, yeah just email it to me and i’ll migrate it for you – free – if you happen to want to give me a little donation for doing it of like $20 I would not argue
but honestly – i’m not worried about it.
I think I may take you up on that Phil! Thanks! But what do you mean by ’email it to me’ do you mean a login? (sorry for my dumb questions)
Naw I mean send me the contents of your comicpress-foreboding theme directory, which is your child theme, ftp it to your local, zip it up and email it to me. (unless you want me to just do it on your site w/ftp access and wp-admin access)
OK thanks much for the explanation! BTW Is it OK that my site is a patched up version of another theme? Or would it be wise to have a specific theme custom made?
i’m uploading a video to youtube right now, once you see it you can decide yourself .. it shows some pretty cool stuff off in it
This sounds exciting! I’m slowly getting to work on my comic again and would love to keep my site updated (and I’m even thinking of making a new site from scratch with the 4.0 version…) Anyway, I’m interested in migrating my site, and wouldn’t mind pitching in a bit. Let me know when you’ll be able to migrate my site as you’ve proposed, and thanks!
Your website can be redone easily with the customizer that comes with the new ComicPress, a point and click interface that lets you design your site without knowing CSS. As for migration, I can if you like, but check out the videos I have at and see if you can do it yourself, – take a look first – if not yeah should only take a couple minutes.
Ah, ok, cool thanks. With so many news and updates, I wasn’t sure where to go first. Thanks so much!
Cool, Phil! This comes at a good time for me. With the Kickstarter complete, I need to redo the Marooned site to be more of a preview, so I was going to post the first year or so of updated comics. I had planned on trying Easel, but it sounds like I should just start over with CP4 – I want a clean slate.
Can you define “soon” a bit better? How long before we see it. I was hoping to rework the site soon as well.
Am I correct that if I start over with CP4, that I can just use that without any other plugins required?
Check this video out:
Ah, cool. So is 4 available now? When you do all that customizing, is that basically a child theme, so updates don’t break your theme?
in the new comicpress, it’s integrated into the theme itself, not a child theme – you should still make a blank child theme for any customizations you make beyond that … and it’s got like 1-2 finishing touches on it to do so like .. i’ll submit it to WordPress tonight or tomorrow
Great, can’t wait to give it a go.
I need some major help here. The comic refuses to change its layout. I use to be able to have it set so that the comic displays at the left with all right sidebar widgets alongside it. Now no matter what layout I choose, it’s always dead in the center with widgets below it. I can’t use the navigator I use to have, it’s stuck on the same boring default navigator regardless of what I save. The header is no longer centered as well as placing text on top of the image which just makes the whole top of the page look like a mess. Please help me.
uh.. ya? the site that has the comic on the left and widgets on right? not dead center? what is the navigation you used to have? was it a custom skin? or the navigation widget? of course its going to be the same navigation, because that’s the default nav, checkmark the comic sidebars in the comic->config and then add the navigation widget to the undercomic THEN change the style, cause well the default nav is just a default nav
Yeah I think as the update was applying, some things were slow to apply. Most initial issues have fixed themselves. I’ll try the navigation tip right now. Thank you for the reply and help!
Alright. I have a few more things I’d like help with.
1. I want to restore the URLs to their original format. ( Even when setting the permalink to how I want it in settings, it still forces me to use this URL style: ( This renders every link to my site ever posted so that they lead to a “not found” page instead of the comic, and I’d like to revert to my old style.
2. The widgets placed on the right sidebar are taking up far more space than they use to. It use to only take up one column which fit the ad box, facebook box and twitter feed with no issue, and dedicated the rest of that space to the comic. How can I fix that spacing issue?
3. I got my archive restored. However, when I set it to show newest to oldest, it still displays as oldest to newest.
4. I use to be able to place widgets on the left of the blog, under the comic. This was usually done by just placing them in the left sidebar space. They don’t seem to be showing up.
5. I want to remove the “related posts” under the blog.
Thank you for your time, I understand you’ve probably got a lot of people with questions so all help is appreciated.
1) Won’t happen, at least not right now .. your old urls will redirect to the new ones automatically, so all of your old links will still work.
2) Change the width in #content-column and #sidebar-right (or left), in the jetpack plugin there’s a module called ‘Edit CSS’ (if you don’t have a child theme) enable it then appearance -> Edit CSS and change widths with CSS
3) [comic-archive order=desc] reference: for help
4) in the layouts you have now, it doesn’t exist.
5) comic -> config, checkmark the option to disable them.
I’ve applied every change but number 2. Edit CSS is enabled but I’m not sure how to apply the width change.
Hey Phil,
I’m glad to have a new version of Comic Press. I updated blindly and now I have to fix my website ( So you have an ETA for a configuration tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
Appearance -> ComicPress Options -> Help [tab] (migration help)
Configuration tutorial? sure, I can do one of those – that shows off the different areas?
I’m still investigating and experimenting, but so far I can’t get any navigation buttons back (not even the custom ones I created) and widgets doesn’t want to re-appear either.
I just woke up and saw the update for 4.0.2, it REALLY helped me to fix the comic faster. Thank you, now I’m unstoppable
One thing I have noticed is that my webpage isn’t updating all the changes and fixes I’m making. It’s currently stuck with the comic zoomed-out, a blank space at the right and the widgets section without any widget (
Also, the text is still red for the links and black for plain text (I already changed it to orange/white).
Can I have some advice of why is this happening, please?
Thank in advance Philip.
I see orange links? (just no hover color)
Gah! I accidentally updated from 2.9.4 without looking at what changed. My site was destroyed and I had to build it from the ground up with the new system.
I actually like it a little, after fiddling with it for a few hours.
I have a few questions, which I hope you can help me with:
1 – How do I disable the default Site Title and Tagline without just deleting them from the general WP settings? I like the browser being able to display it at top, but they are interfering with my header image, and there no longer is an option to remove them.
2 – Is there a workaround to make an Archive? As you mentioned, mine no longer works from the update.
3 – As the CSS is being called upon from a different place than before, is there any way to use child themes? I’d like to put in my own background images for the blog posts and menu bar, but every time I try to make a child theme, the site breaks again.
I really hope you can help me with this. I’m having a lot of trouble with the transition. I was hoping to show off my comic Tuesday to a friend who works for Archie Comics, and I really need my site to be presentable.
(link –
Thanks in advance for the help.
1. .header-info { display: none; } // this is fixed in the ComicPress 4.0.2 to have an option in the customizer
2. On your archive page, remove the template by setting it to default, in the content section add this shortcode: [comic-archive]
You can find more info on it here: and
3. How does it break? Did you read the faq messages in the comicpress options -> help ? on migrating and the such?
coincidently did you see the ‘logo’ section of the customizer? You should use that for your logo instead of the header (forget the display: none;) thing above
Alright, 1 & 2 really helped. I wish I could make my logo a little larger, but hey, it works.
I’m trying to make a new child theme entirely, but it’s not working. I’ll activate it now, and you can see what I mean. The only thing I have in the child theme is the old background image for the post-info section.
put it back and I can give you the css override to make it larger
Also, thank you so much for this.
after you trigger the child theme go to the customizer and do something and publish, like -re-add the logo
.header-info h1 a { height: 160px!important; } Toss that into the child theme. (however, remove the logo, initiate the child theme, while the child theme is activated do the logo, you’ll see what I mean) then add that to the child theme’s style.css
Fixed it! Thanks!
upgraded accidentally but happy I did! Really like the new features. I’m having trouble with the new character section though. Is there any way to add pictures for each character tag? I put the “cast hover” widget on my sidebar, and it looks like there’s a square where the picture of the characters would be… but I can’t find the option to add an image. has the information on the cast page and how to do the CSS for the pictures for each character. (which is used on both the cast page and the widget)
@Bob, go to appearance -> comicpress options -> menubar [tab] and put your links to your social network stuff in those and enable it instead of putting them in your menubar; would look nicer
Thanks for the help! Changed the social media and it looks a lot better!
Quick question about the css for the cast page–where do you add the .character CSS? When I preview the page, everything is there, but the boxes where the pictures should be are blank. I’ve never really coded anything before, so my guess is I coded it wrong?
This is what I have right now:
.character-coach-fit {background: url('') top center no-repeat;
.character-john {background: url('') top center no-repeat;
css doesn’t go inside the shortcode, just leave it as [cast-page] add the CSS to your child theme, or enable the “Edit CSS” module inside of Jetpack and put it there. (once it’s enabled you go to wp-admin -> appearance -> edit css, and just paste that into there.
That worked! Thanks for all your help!
Hi I accidentally upgraded to 4.0 where I’m forced to use easel. I really don’t understand why you got rid of the archive (that was a dumb move, you should of had that built in). Plus you made your forum impossible to register to because Any kind of password doesn’t work. I have a problem here. I migrated all the comics & now the comics & the comments are not showing up & giving me a, “Page not found.” I followed all the instructions & installed and activated all the plugins. Now all my comics are messed up even though I see all the post in the comic easel. Even clicking on the previous button makes it go to, “page not found.” I don’t know what to do. I feel that you made 4.0 to ruin the whole structure of comic press.
I didn’t get rid of the archive, in your archive page, use the [comic-archive] shortcode, reference: for arguments for it.
I get 2-3 people registered to it daily (the forums)
Disable the custom post type permalinks plugin, you’re probably not ready for it then go to settings -> permalinks and just click save once.
I did not. Furthermore Old ComicPress would not pass the WordPress theme review team the way it was. I stopped updating ComicPress over 2 years ago and Comic Easel has been around pretty much that time now as it’s replacement. I am sorry you haven’t gotten the memo.
So, I looked before I leaped, I admit it, and broke my site. That is to say, the graphic theme went out of whack my comics, though not lost, are not recognizeable to the new ComicPress. I also had database trouble, but that was a separable issue, not yours. So… Now that I’m taking the medicine and getting “with it,” any chance you can direct me to a set of steps to follow if I updated the theme, loaded your plugins, and now am trying to get back to minimum comic functionality? I read the whole thread so far but didn’t see that posted yet, though I read fast and might have missed it.
And by the way, though I was (I think, understandably) bent out of shape initially, I’m bound to thank you for the time you’ve been spending helping everyone get their houses in order on this. It’s a bit of a shake-up, but I’m all just trying to get on board and back to normal as soon as I can.
Any info, advice, etc. you can provide is deeply appreciated.
You know, scratch my last – I think I’ve managed to muddle it through – and for all my irritability and carping, the ComicPress/Comic Easel upgrade really is a major improvement. I just have to reconstruct some site elements I lost, but just takes time – the comics and archive were all saved and migrated, and that is what matters.
Thanks so much for dealing with all of us, Phil – I’m sure we’re all a terrible pain in the ass about all of this, but in the end you really did us all a solid on this. The new system may be a shock at first, but it’s WAY better than the old one.
I have tons of docs and faqs over at if you think i’m missing something tell me and i’ll write it up, ok?
and thanks!
You don’t need to activate all of the plugins, if you’re not using them .. deactivate them – they’re recommended only. (you can dismiss the notice)
This is how I’ve entered it into the Edit CSS:
#content-column, #sidebar-right { width: 104; }
I’m not getting any results just yet but I’m also certain I probably typed this in wrong.
/* and */ means to comment something out, the start and end of it.. also what you wrote there is setting the #content-column AND the #sidebar-right to width: 104; which does nothing, width: 104px; would do something with the addition of px at the end of the #’s .. but why would you want the #content-column to be 104px; wide ? that’s pretty small..
Please bare with me, I’m very green to this haha okay so I edited only the right sidebar and removed the #content-column. This is what I typed:
#sidebar-right {
width: 200px;
It’s not appearing to have made any changes to my site.
body.layout-2clw #sidebar-left, body.layout-2crw #sidebar-right {
width: 204px;
body.layout-2clw #content-column, body.layout-2crw #content-column {
width: 764px;
Is what you want to add
Thank you so much!
My upgrade/migration went almost smooth as silk. I made it so by following Frumph’s video instructions on migrating to ComicEasel from ComicPress almost to the syllable, the main difference being instead of installing/activating the Easel theme at the end I upgraded to the 4.0 version of the CP theme. The “almost” part comes in where although many of my widgets were preserved, I had to click a check box in the CE settings to reenable side, top and bottom bars around the comic, so I could replace my nav buttons and a banner.
I highly recommend this process for other CP users thinking of going to 4.0; migrate from CP to CE first using the CP2CE plugin, then upgrade your CP theme to 4.0, skipping earlier Easel themes altogether. I presume the new 4.0 CP theme is a complete replacement for the earlier Easel theme, Frumph?
Yes, for comic users specifically.
I’m among those who accidentally updated from the last version of ComicPress, and I have most of it sussed out, but what I’m trying to find out is if I can still use my own navigation buttons (images). Preferably, I’d like to know if there’s a way to recreate the Next and Previous buttons in a menu that I can plop into sidebars.
.. the navigation is exactly the same (except buyprint is now buycomic) .. but yeah, have a child theme, put the images in the images/nav//* directory, select it from comic -> config -> navigation [tab]
Do I need to make my own images/nav folder, or should there already be one? I really can’t find it.
In your child theme yeah, if it doesn’t exist – create it. so it would be themes/comicpress-foreboding/images/nav/lucha/ <-- there lucha since it's your comics kinda name ;/ so made it relevant Then you set it in the comic -> config navigation tab
Boom, got it. Thank you.
One more quick question, how do I get rid of the black bar under my header? The menu-wrapper?
Hmm, let me rephrase that: The menubar is controllable under the Appearance-ComicPress Options-Menubar ‘Disable default Menubar’ option, but if the menubar is disabled my background image goes away. My background image is set up via Chameleon CSS to change the background images based on the time of day. Is there a way to disable the menubar without killing my background image?
it should have nothing to do with background images if you disable it. in Chameleon CSS what are the settings… you know what? post on my forums, the #menubar-wrapper has nothing to do with changing background images and disabling it shouldnt have any consequences, so it’s probably something with the CSS changer and it’s elements it’s using and i’ll help you with that
you don’t want the menubar? there’s a toggle in the comicpress options to disable it …
Hmm, let me rephrase that: The menubar is controllable under the Appearance-ComicPress Options-Menubar ‘Disable default Menubar’ option, but if the menubar is disabled my background image goes away. My background image is set up via Chameleon CSS to change the background images based on the time of day. Is there a way to disable the menubar without killing my background image?
Sorry, I got confused on the replies.
apparently so did I ;/
This question has been posted in the forums under CSS/Styling. Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi. I accidentally updated but seem to have embraced 4.0 thanks to your guide on migration – thanks!
One thing I can’t figure out though; is there a way to replace the comic jpeg from an old comic post with an updated version of the same jpeg (if say, I’ve corrected a spelling mistake)? Cheers!
Edit the comic, click the set featured image link and just upload the new comic and click the ‘use as featured image’ link and it will replace the old with the new
exactly the same way you would add a new comic ;/
Got it! Thanks very much!
Updated, have the basics figured out, but – is the “set featured image” link the only way to add new comics now? I liked being able to just FTP dated comic files to the directory and have Comicpress look there automatically.
You can create an /import directory off of the main root of your site, upload those comicpress-dated filenames there and use comic -> import to do just that.
.. don’t forget to remove them from the import directory after you did import though ;/
Thanks! Why do they need to be removed from the directory, though? (Sorry! I’m very unsavvy). And is there some advantage to not having it the old way?
Because it’s an import directory, not a /comics directory, whatever you have in there it will try to import, if you leave them in there after importing they will be tried to imported again over and over again until you remove them?
Oh. So once it imports it, it’ll be in the comics directory? (and then I have to remove the import version)? Thanks for the help! I’m not sure I see how this is better than the old way, but I guess whatever works.
This gives you the ability to do what you previously did by adding comics via the date and it automatically creates them. Comic Easel uses the media library, so all of your comics get added into your wp-contents/uploads folder as regular wordpress images. As said the importer is an addition to those people who still want to add comics using the filename structure. Otherwise there wouldn’t be that method at all.
Huh. Sounds like I might as well just use the “set featured image” button then, or start uploading my numbered images into the wp-contents/uploads folder (if that’d work). Oh well. I’m old, I hate change rabblerabblegetoffmylawn. Thanks!
yeah since it’s media library managed just uploaded to that folder doesn’t work ;/ cause it won’t know what to do with them. but yeah featured image button will always do the trick just not translate the filename to the date of the post automatically – since no filename requirements for featured image
So I updated (accidentally) and have gotten most of the stuff figured out. BUT even after reading the other comments through, I’m still a bit confused about how to get the archive working again. Looks like I’ve gotta paste some code somewhere, but where do I paste it in? Is the “Archive” tab under config the right place?
Also, I want to post multiple images (comic pages) to the same post. I used to just give all the pages the same date. How do I do it now?
I like drawing, but the other half of this stuff is dicey for me, so I appreciate your patience! is the site, btw.
^ guide to multiple comics per post
and the archive shortcode is just [comic-archive] you add it to the page the template used to be on
Where’s the page the template used to be on? In other words, what do I click?
Hey Frumph. Sorry to bug you, but I really want to get my archives back and after trying to paste [comic-archive] anywhere I can I still can’t get it. Can you tell me where exactly I go to do it? BTW, got the multiple comics to work. That’s awesome. Thanks!
Got another question – ever since the update the “Publicize” option doesn’t seem to work for me. I have it connected to my Facebook and Twitter, but nothing happens when I post.
Jetpack doesn’t support Publicize yet for custom post types, although they’re adding the parts for it – it still hasn’t finished being implemented – you should ask them about it.
ohhhh. sorry, thought that was a comic press thing.
ah yeah, no .. it’s a Jetpack plugin thing ;/ but on a good note plenty of people have requested they add that .. a couple more people ‘hinting’ wouldn’t hurt.
I fell into the trap of accidental update and adjusting to the changes. Overall, I’m very excited about the new theme and the options it gives access to… However, there is a huge item of concern. When migrating my comics it works..or so it seems (I can see the posts with a comic image in the “all comics” section of the dashboard), however when accessing the actual site, or trying to view individual pages, I cannot navigate past the latest comic…
Example: clicking previous/first/any “view” links on the list of comics brings me to a “not found” page. I followed the instructions to convert all comics to post, then re-migrate but it didn’t seem to fix the issue.
Although the issue was very frightening and I took an hour and a half+ to find the solution, I found that what I needed to do was change the permalink settings to “post name” and it fixed the problem!
I’ve updated and am having trouble with my sidebar. It will not display to the right of the comic. I’ve tried fiddling with the styling and shunting everything else to the left, even changing the div order, but it remains stubborn. I’m probably missing something.
Loving Comicpress, I had accidentally updated to 4.0, things were kinda borked but I managed to get thinks mostly working again. The only part I can’t quite figure out is how to have my comics address show up as they did before so that the links still work. For example, a page would have been but now are showing up with So I’d like to remove the ‘comic’ from the address.
I’m sure it’s a basic fix, I tried messing around with permalinks. But, I’m not very web saavy.
Any help would be appreciated.
thank you,
I can’t upload new comic images at all with this new update. It keeps giving me an error message. But when I look in my media library the images are there… please advise?
I need a bit more info than that, what happens when you go to comics -> add new comic ? does it happen also in the media -> add new media ?
I updated my comicpress today from 2.9.2 to 4.2.1 – So far:
*The title image bar has been moved off center
*The archive page is completely broken, and generates no pages.
*The new comicpress theme insists on displaying empty sidebars, full of notes about how there’s nothing in them, I can’t find any way to disable tie sidebars (this was an option in 2.9.2. I don’t need sidebars, the comic site is very simple)
*All of my comics have been removed.
I really wish when I upgraded my plugin that it’d offer me a “undo” button. I’m no good with code, and I don’t know any PhP – so as far as I can tell, this has completely destroyed a 5 year project, and I can’t rescue it.
I am a bit lost on how to get my comics back where they came from. I would like to update but find the process a little bit daunting. Can you help me do it? I am using a very very old Comic Press. I am buying a host site but using Comic Press as my vehicle. if that makes since. Thank you,
I would be more then happy to help you migrate to Comic Easel, just email me via the contact form and we’ll go from there