Comic Easel – Screenshots
Comic Easel is coming out very shortly, i’m going to be posting some premlinary screenshots for people to look at who haven’t seen it yet.
Just to remind people, Comic Easel is *not* an upgrade to ComicPress, it’s a whole new CMS system for handling comics and their posts.
Posting is just like you would a regular blog post, but inside the post editor for that post is a place to ‘attach’ whatever comic (*or*) comics to the post itself.
You can create as many different comic chapters as you want, each one is its own ‘comic’ so to speak, so you can have as many comics as you want. They all navigate entirely within themselves.
You can keep track of what the characters are in each comic as well as what location they are in as well. It will archive and show individually say every comic that was shown at the science facility for example.
Since comics are ‘attached’ to the post itself and not by the ‘date’ of the comic, you can have unlimited comics uploaded per day, unlimited comic storylines as well posted per day and pretty much unlimited comics per post too!
– Phil
Out of curiosity, will it be able to easily do multi comic sites.
Yes, multi-comic sites are “extremely” easy with Comic Easel.
Will there be tutorials posted on this stuffy?
Not releasing unless I have full tutorials/documentation done.
Looks very cool. If I use this, will I have to go through and create all new posts for my comics to get them to appear or will installing this port all of that stuff over?
As said this isn’t an upgrade to ComicPress, it’s a whole new CMS system, which means that yeaaaa if you know what you’re doing you can convert all your comic posts to the comic post type, but if you don’t then you will yes, have to create all new posts and associate them with your comic images over.
That being said, i’m trying to make this as painless as possible and might have some upgrade scripts available, we’ll see.
Yeah that’s what I was worried about 😉 I’ll hold off to see if there will be upgrade scripts
Looks very nice. When are you to release Comic Easel? Any date set?
Can’t wait! Sounds awesome!
These features are incredibly appealing! I can’t wait to see more. 🙂
Looks great and I’m really excited about it, but I wonder… is it a whole new theme, is it a plugin as previously stated (“Comic Easel is a Plugin, that injects your comic into *any* WordPress theme.”) or is it both?
I’m asking because I’m using a different theme now and it’d be great if I could add comics to it as well.
Yes it works with any theme, with some do_action lines added to your current themes code.
I am watching intently… (you do great work Frumph)
PS: I’m still using CP 2.8 w/manager…
Oh man, I’m really glad to hear that we’re getting close! It would be really nice to have an upgrade script… I’ve got over 700 comics to port over now… Keep up the good work… we need a newer comic manager!
I actually found a plugin that will convert ‘categories’ of posts to the comic post type, so there essentially IS an upgrade script, but you will ‘still’ have to go through each one and attach the comics again.
but you won’t have to rewrite all the posts, which is a good thing – will need to go through them again and set locations, characters and chapters of course.. but at least the bulk of the work is done.
Oh that’s great. As long as I don’t have to write new posts and lose the comments…etc.
Sure… if we can protect the blog posts I’ll be happy to rehook up the characters, chapters, and locations. And comics.
I am a COMPLETE IDIOT when it comes to handling CSS, etc,. But, the idea of being able to post my graphic novel online so people can read it as I go along and have the option to purchase pages or the completed project is something I’ve dreamed about-can this work for idiots such as me or do you need SERIOUS skills for this?
Well, CSS is still going to be CSS, that’s the styling for your website, regardless of what software you use you’regoing to need to know *(or have someone else)* style your site.
man, this looks bad A$$…. I suck at coding/wordpres/etc been looking for a better way to show this stuff than my lame gallery. Look forward to the release!
I’m new to all this… Will the comic navigation on Comic Easel still operate like a Comic Press site? How are the archives organized?
I really would like to restart my comic (as I’m currently on hiatus) already using a fully configured Comic Easel. When can I expect it to be released? Is there a projection a little more specific than “soon”? Is “soon” going to take a couple months, or is it a matter of weeks?
I’m stuck on two parts of coding for Comic Easel which will take some time for someone (other then me) to finish it – unfortunately.
Is there any chance of getting an alpha or beta version of the Comic Easel plug-in to play with? 🙂
Its not ready for the general public yet
I grabbed Easel not realizing that the comic portion wasn’t completed yet. How’s it coming along?
Pretty well actually. It’s working in Easel but just to remind people that Comic Easel is *not* Easel, Easel just incorporates a mini-comicpress inside of it which does work, just not as comprehensive as Comic Easel