While working on upgrading another author’s site this morning I stumbled across a .. neat feature of wp_list_pages.   

It turns out wp_list_pages keeps track of what page you’re currently on when dynamically creating the menubar items and adds an extra CSS styling class to it called ” current_page_item ” ..

Now what’s cool about that is the fact that now that we know there’s a specific class element for what the current page is we can use it to change the visual behavior of the menubar!

#menu current_page_item a, #menu li.current_page_item a {
    color: #000;

In the style.css place that line just below the CSS element set: #menu li:hover, #menu li.sfhover

And it will (whatever you set the colorations to) be active for whatever page your currently on.  Of course you will need to have to tweak it a little, for example if you have subpages it’s best not to use the background: element else it bleeds down (unless you re-affix the other CSS to re-establish the background: element itself).

Like for example to stop the bleeding reattribute the background: code to the sub menu CSS in various places, here’s one:

#menu li li a {
    background: #000;

– Phil (Frumph)