An Overview of the main files and directories of ComicPress 2.8

[ css ]
The location of your .CSS files (not your original, don’t touch original) the files in this directory are edited by using the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Comicpress CSS panel.

The locatons of various functions needed to run ComicPress.  They are included() in the functions.php file.

ComicPress 2.8 has some images? wierd huh? This area has images for the graphic comic navigation, some example images for backgrounds and more.

A directory seperating the javascript that is used on ComicPress 2.8

^^ What the heck? swf ? Yes, in 2.8 you can upload using comicpress manager a .swf  comic and it will display it. .. heres the kicker, the way to make sure the height and width of your .swf displays correctly you need to make ‘custom fields.  Edit your post you just made and create 2 “Custom Fields” .. first one name:   fheight  with the height of your swf, and the next one is   fwidth   with the width of your flash image. (more on this later). Warning: Comicpress 2.8 does *not* create thumbnails of flash files.  This directory contains the necessary files to allow this to occure.

ComicPress 2.8 is WordPress 2.8+ only.  The widgets used in comicpress have been re-written in the new WordPress 2.8+ style. THis directory contains those widgets and called from the functions.php

This is the original style.css file, this is your original “how your site looks file” .. you should *NOT*, I repeat *NOT* edit this original file.   The Comicpress CSS panel is what you should be using from now on.

When WordPress cannot find where to locate a particular url on your site it will display this.

This is used when you click on a tag or category.  It displays the various different lists of the subject tag or category you chose.

Template File:  You can associate this template to a page you create.  It shows your COMICS, by year going down the page, showing the year and date of the comic then link to the comic.

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  It shows a calendar for the year with clickable links to previous years of your posts (not comics).

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  It shows a calendar for the year with clickable links to previous years of your comics (not blog posts).

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  This template shows a storyline structured list of the storyline you created using ComicPress Manager.

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  This template shows a the same storyline structured list you created using ComicPress Manager but also thumbnail images as well.

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  This just just like archive-comic.php but instead of going down the entire page it splits it up by year, you click on the year you want to view and it will only show that particular year.

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  This shows an archive view of all the posts you have done on your site.

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  When you associate this to one of your pages and edit the options in Dashboard -> Appearance -> ComicPress Options [ paypal info ]  you can use the accompanying buy print button widget and whatever comic your currently on when you click the buy print button will go to this page with the proper information for a reader to buy a print of your comic.  You need to setup a paypal account that can handle credit cards.  When you get a receipt in your mail of a purchase head to kinko’s make a print, sign it, make it all pretty and mail it off with a nice thank you card.

This file stores the static information for your ComicPress installation, the comic category, what size to do thumbnails when comicpress manager creates them, the directories where your comics and thumbs are stored, etc.

This is the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Comicpress Options panel file of functions.

This file holds the information for the options for comicpress-options.php and what name they’re store in in your database.

This file is called when someone wants to read or respond to comments.  It’s how they are displayed.

ComicPress CSS is the editor for what you use now to edit your Look & Feel of your site.  Do *not* edit the style.css anymore.  Find what you want to edit in the style.css and copy only that element into one of the various different files you can edit in here.  There’s the “custom” which get sent to every browser, this  is the one you will most often use.  Again, only put the elements you want to change here.  If you want to change the background to the site you *only* need to override the background element in body,  body { background: #000 }  .. everything else will be inherited from the original style.css .  There are also browser dependant css files you can edit, for elements that only work on certain browsers as well as a css file that is *only* used when you are *not* on a comic page.  If you want to avoid using the individual browser’s CSS and want to output to all browsers except IE there’s a Not IE CSS file you can use.

This file is called at the end of the visible page you see and usually shows who made what, when.

This file contains all the code to read the widgets and functions of the site, also contains the core ComicPress code.

This is called at the top of the visible Page, it contains the “header” div as well as menubar.

This file is called when you’re viewing a graphic file with the media viewer.

This is the *main* file that is displayed visually after the header.php and before the footer.php as the first page that everyone see’s when going to your site.

Template File: You can associate this template to a page you create.  This lists off all the links and
categorized links you create with wordpress.

For every *page* you create, like the about page and others that are not associated with a template this file is called.

When you do a search, this file is called up to list the search you asked for.

This is called by wordpress and contains a form input box to type in what you want to search for on your site.

This is called by the search transcript widget and is a form input box you can type in to search transcripts.

This is function code which is used to figure out how to search transcripts.


Sidebar Files, these files are loaded up by the various portions of your site in pre-determined areas. They
Allow you to put widgets inside them.

This file is loaded as the page which is seen when you go through the various posts and comics you have.  It is loaded when someone goes through your archive of comics or reads previous blog posts, this also has where a user can read and post comments to each individual comic or blog post.

This is the image that is displayed when someone goes to the theme’s in your dashboard to pick which theme you want to use.

The WPMU functions file for integrating with wordpress MU.

Next part, the [ Features ] a list of all the features of ComicPress 2.8