Having fun with the revision #’s 😉
Just bug fixes and a change to the control panel widget, nothing special.
$is_comic needed to be set in the archive.php before hand, was giving notice
thanks to @generaltekno for finding bug with footer-text.php with the scroll to top, adjusted it to be enable_scroll_to_top
again thanks to @generaltekno for finding the facebook like widget needing one of the facebook likes active, now changed to check if the widget is active as well
fixed the archive.php to check for non-permalinked cat= properly
change to wp_login_form in the control panel widget
Hi, my names Brad, I am having a horrible time with CP right now. Im sorry to be posting something like this on your comments section but I have ran out of options. Since updating to it has not only erased ALL comics Ive recently posted (leaving the posts themselves) but when I attempt to upload a strip in the YYYY-MM-DD format, as I always have, I get the ‘invalid filename’ message. I am going absolutely crazy trying to figure this out. I have deleted and reinstalled the CP Boxed theme. I have changed the date format. I do not know what is left other then deleting and reinstalling CP all together which of course would erase all posts and blogs and comments. Please, any help and guidance would be greatly, Greatly appreciated. Thank you
^ there is a forum button in the menubar. But it’s all good. There’s a common situation where the latest update made comicpress manager get a pointer out of line, the most common fix is to go go the comicpress manager, manager config and clicking the radio buttons making sure the comic and blog categories are set and clicking save a couple times
It’s best to hit up the forums so that we can continue this conversation a bit better.
I know, and again I apologize for posting this as a comment, and many thanks for the quick response. Ill try doing what you have said and if that doesnt seem to work out, I will move this to a forum. Thanks again!