Updated information on the status of CP 3.0

  1. The comics directories need to be located in the wp-content/uploads directory now.  This is because it was a request to lock down wordpress sites and only have the uploads directory available as such on some systems that don’t have proper permission setups.   This also made it easier to code and reduced processing by like 10% just from that change alone. (this is for non-multisite, multisite uses the directories based on the multisite info)
  2. ComicPress Manager is no longer needed, you can ditch it with CP 3.0 – Everything’s in the theme.
  3. The multisite (wpmu) mu-plugin is no longer needed.
  4. CP 3.0 is completely plug & play.  You activate the theme, you add a new comic, no configuring.  Although you can adjust the configuring after installing, it’s not necessary to get up and going to configure anything.
  5. There is no comicpress-config.php anymore.  No need to worry about losing your options/config on updates.
  6. Comics are “attached’ to the post.   And there are several advanced options available including comics in different languages available.
  7. There are no more ‘category’ separation from comic and blog as you know it now.   The comic’s are in their own post type.  Completely separate from the regular blog posts so not only will there never be a conflict again they really just are not seen the same way again.
  8. Backwards compatibility:  Although we are leaving the ability to have backwards compatibility where the posts in the comic post type will look at the comics directory via filename date if there isn’t a comic attached to it, it will search your comics folder for a file with the old date method on it; we don’t want people to keep utilizing this method in the future, need to train comic users to just upload their comic with whatever filename they want with the upload controls.
  9. There is an upgrade script that will convert all your current comics from the old post style to the new post type.  Just select your primary comics directory (in the script) and go.  Although it will remove all your categories and tags since those are no longer used and are replaced with Chapters and other comic related functions.
  10. All ComicPress versions of the theme will remain free.
  11. ^ However, your wondering where are those cool NEW features we were adding went?  Lemme tell ya, instead of including them in the theme we’ll be having Child Themes available with those features in them.  Yes, for pay.  Don’t even bother griping about it, that one is a done deal.   The theme itself will always remain free and if you want to buy a child theme with extra features you can.  Those child themes will be available from their individual developer separately from ComicPress.  If you are interested in creating child themes for sale we’ll have an area on the website to link to the various child themes people develop.
  12. Soon as the initial release is done while in beta mode we’ll have a continual stream of child themes available with so many different options for the site look it’s going to be silly.   I have quite a few of them already done and waiting to be put up.
  13. Your current child themes will be compatible up to a point.  The CSS and images are Absolutely Compatible, things like the custom child functions, widgets and code will need to be updated.
  14. This is *(not)* the ComicPress Premium package we were making previously.   Almost though.  We stripped out pretty much all the new stuff and are making 3.0 the new post type with the new system.  What we DID leave in is the memory management, core options and new comic method.
  15. We’re waiting on Tyler’s decision to decide to make this as a normal ComicPress upgrade or call it a new ComicPress name. (note: he decided that this IS going to be ComicPress 3.0 and not an offshoot, he loved it that much)
  16. Stop editing the original theme already and learn how to do a child theme: https://frumph.net/wordpress/comicpress/convert-your-comicpress-2-9-site-to-use-a-child-theme/


Still on the TODO LIST before release.

  1. Revamp the navigation to properly work with the new custom post type and the variable chapters. (almost done, need rechecks)
  2. Adjust all widgets & templates to look at the post_type instead of the regular post. (almost done, need rechecks)
  3. Create a new uploader/flash uploader that is ajax inside of the post itself.  (done, needs prettying up)
  4. Need to figure out a good method for easily recognizable UI.  Right now this is *not* your old ComicPress, everything is pathed differently menu wise.  Need to go through everything and make it as easily accessable as possible for those end users who need it.

We are still looking for another developer to take my place after the 3.0 release.
