While designing your themes, often times you want to be able to push dynamic content to a particular area of it. The do_action(), add_action() functions of WP are a great tool to use.
On search and archive pages there isn’t a specific archive_<post_type>.php yet so you have to edit your current archive and search to compensate for it being used for custom post types and taxonomies. On a good note, there is the $wp_query->query_vars that we can work with. (if) there is a custom post type taxonomy being set it will be in those variables. Now here’s the interesting part. If we check for the is_category() and is_tag() ahead of the check for the query_var checks it will weed out the normal post post_type from the ones in custom post types.
A little explanation for those who have no idea what NOBLOGREDIRECT is.
The define(‘NOBLOGREDIRECT’, ‘%siteurl%’); inside of the wp-config.php makes it so that when someone enters a subdomain that does not exist on your site to redirect to whatever url you wish it to. You can use this to have it either go to a specific FAQ page or directly back to the main root installation, anywhere you want to direct it. the %siteurl% can be replaced for example define(‘NOBLOGREDIRECT’, ‘https://frumph.net/FAQ/site-create’);
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In WordPress 2.8+ and ComicPress 2.8+ Post thumbnails were introduced to WordPress in which I incorporated into ComicPress. These thumbnails can be assigned to each post in the post-editor under the ‘featured’ image option in the post editor.
However, i’m getting a little ahead of myself. For those who are familiar with WordPress can pretty much just stop here and start playing around with it.