ComicPress ChangeLog
- Adjusted how the search and archive pages work to reduce memory load & count
- fixed the language textdomain lines
- changed how the .txt and .htm files are read in to pass the theme review
- renamed functions/ipn.php to functions/ipn.txt, change it back to functions/ipn.php in order to utilize the IPN from paypal
- $archive_comic_folder was missing as a global, fixed thanks Lilana
- Fix for linkpages class not having a clear:both; on it
- Made the comments on home page when blog disabled an option on the home tab instead
- found the bug with layouts being set inappropriately – fixed
- Fixed the issue with the comic navigation widget text boxes not properly escaping and unescapping strings
- moved the facebook like script to load in the header to avoid a script error
- fixed the reply to javascript to show apparently it doesnt like is_singular, go figure
- displaying category list properly now, instead of multiple
- removed trailingslashit from around $comic in displaycomic.php line #350, thanks @nismorack
- added easels disable sidebars on page options
- moved some data placement around to try to optimize usage
- archive/search display count is now exclusively handled by wp-admin – settings – reading now because of wordpress limitations with paging
- removed page restraint removal option, better done with CSS via #page, #page-wide – width: auto; instead
- added new option to enable the -foot and -head elements instead of having them always active for those who don’t use them
- dont display the extra dash if the bloginfo description is empty
- started creating a proper readme.txt file
- added option to show first comic on the home page
- added s at the end of comments for multiple comics in the comments widget
- added setup_postdata in the comments widget to properly access data
- if disable_blog_frontpage is enabled, allow comments to be displayed on comic posts on home page if comic post is shown
- wp-pagenavi.php internalization fix w/removal of usage of an option
- moved to using add_theme_page()
- added proper and default.po files for proper language translation
- fixed the disable sidebars option to work with the new layout-head/foot .php files
- $is_comic needed to be set in the archive.php before hand, was giving notice
- thanks to @generaltekno for finding bug with footer-text.php with the scroll to top, adjusted it to be enable_scroll_to_top
- again thanks to @generaltekno for finding the facebook like widget needing one of the facebook likes active, now changed to check if the widget is active as well
- fixed the archive.php to check for non-permalinked cat= properly
- change to wp_login_form in the control panel widget
- revamped the syndication comic into the rss to allow for a filter that can be used to add info to the syndication
- added extra profile options for MSN, Twitter and Facebook fields – functions/profile-options.php
- total rewrite of archive.php – fixed bug with text-links for the archive.php
- added new widget “reference” documentation is inside the widget and will be on
- new option on the home tab to keep comments when the single page’s comic blog post is disabled
- change the forum url to bbpress wasnt working out, so switched to simple:press
- added 2 new options on the comicpress-options post&pages tab, enable facebook like
- added new widget, facebook like, that goes in any of the comic sidebars for better control where you might the like button to be
- dual blog posts and checkmarked blog post stays with comic now works as properly designed
- single blog posts and checkmarked blog posts stays with comic as well is now fixed (needs testing)
- fixed thumbnail widget to *not* exclude the current page if its not set to random
- adjusting the option pages input button to hit the right location properly
- added CDN URL ability for content delivery networks storing the comics
- fixed the missing nocache=1 in the comic-navigation widget
- comic blog post widget has a new option whether to disable the displaying of the widget if there’s no content or not
- fixed the h2 in the comic blog post widget for single pages
- added a clear:both; to .comment-link css element
- modified the facebook like button widget to have 3 different options for display
- the facebook like button now uses a script load and the facebook fb:code
- added facebook meta information toggle, will be on if any facebook option is on
- Added new action area in the menubar to allow for custom coding of social icons in the menubar.
- fixed the rascal hovertext padding so it doesnt look out of place.
- custom-header has been revamped, is now a regular constant – will appear in the wp-admin – appearance all the time now
- Stylized the control panel and dropdown archive boxes
- fixed notice in control panel widget
- sharethis_title, subscribe_title were missing from defaults being set in the comic-navigation.php, set em
- accidently left in the #height – 100px; .. removed it so its now auto again
- fixed a variable being passed in the latesthumbnail widget that was sending $true and not true ;/ its not a php var heh
- adding to the tipjar.php widget so it clears the internal floats properly
- fixed the themestyle.php to handle the vertical double right sidebar properly
- removed .ie #comic button {} from the css, it was hardsetting it to white text
- added the easel footer_text functionality and a new option in comicpress options to set the copyright name w/ modifiable information including URL to copyright holder (w/defaults)
- subcontent-wrapper is now available on *all* layout styles
- font-size for .footer-text is now 12px; as default (the generated info at the bottom)
- latest thumbnail widget you can now choose to show the first in the category as well as a random comic from that category, it will not display the same comic as the current comic thats being viewed.
- removing association to and now using
- changed base coloration of links from red to a blue color with an a:visited color, so that if someone visited a link it will differ slightly in color.
- ^ ie moved from red links to blue links to denote the change to
- added link to the tech support forums in the comicpress options
- changed all the bloginfo()’s to appropriate home_url() site_url() get_template_directory_uri()
- changed in the membersonly.php update_usermeta to update_user_meta – same parameters
- Styled the #s-search and #searchform button and the forms.
- changed the padding and line-height in the #menubar-wrapper .menu css
- added .post-time / .posted-at new function comicpress_display_post_time() which displays the time the post was made.
- alt-text/hovertext change in the displaypost.php file, it now outputs the hovertext/alt-text on thumbnails and rss feeds
- and shows the alt-text whether Rascal is active or not
- removed extra id=”” in the textarea for the comment form, #comment-textarea no longer exists, its just #comment now
- set $outputscript = ”; in the displaycomic.php so it doesn’t give notice if it doesn’t exist, which it doesn’t anyways but oh well; future endeavors.
- missed the &nocache=1 on the comic navigation button, added it so that randomcomic button on the navi works
- Removed the tabindex from the comments.php field for textarea
- adding comic-id-# ($post->id) as a wrap with #comic-wrap so that it can be targeted for the current comic post
- added check to see if on the comic_next for hovering over to see if its empty or not, if it is do a # instead of empty “”
- Removed comicpress-debug.php, so no debug messages anymore
- Removed copyright.php, it hasnt been in use in a long time
- changed the right arrow now, is text characters
- fixed classic menubar’s error with the comicpress_get_all_comic_categories_as_cat_string() when its supposed to be: comicpress_all_comic_categories_string()
- You can now assign comics to individual posts, which means.. yes.. multiple comics per day with multiple posts. A little bit extra work than just uploading but works great.
- Still need to make comicpress managers bulk editor recognize which comic is assigned to it and think about making an assign comic box for the post editor.
- * Added new widget “Tip Jar” widget which lets you set a ‘target’ donation amount and then set how much in donations
- you currently have and it displays a nice little donation image percentile of how far its got to go to get the target mark
- Fixed Notice that appears on 404 and search pages when no results found.
- added info about child themes on the layout options page and links to download them
- Fixed footer – the-footer problem with widgets in the footer area
- made the is_cp_theme_layout into a function_exists so that it can be rehandled in the child-functions.php
- Added ?latestcomic=# where # = category #
- So you can do ?latestcomic and it will redirect to the latest comic of all categories
- or latestcomic = 3 will redirect to the latestcomic of category ID #3
- custom image header now defaults to click to home
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