Diyero is a fairly young adventurer with a lot of formal training of various backgrounds. He has skills to hold his own in a fight and great survival instincts (and a TON of outright dumb luck), but has yet to fully prove himself as a great warrior. He decided to take on the task of demon slaying partly for the excitement and partly to carry on the tradition of his family (mother’s side), who have a long line of great demon killers going back many generations. Though he overall has good intentions at heart, his goofy nature and bad habits tend to leave a negative impression on most people. The young Half-Duendo picked up a bad drinking habit at 18 and already gained infamy for being constantly buzzed or drunk, and spent much of his time womanizing. He recently kicked the habit with the help of a currently-estranged friend, Kalanu Aduladi. Along with his demon slaying expertise, Diyero is an enthusiastic storyteller and an enormous history buff.

Webcomic: Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer

Artist/Co-Author: Briana Higgins

BRIANA HIGGINS is just a stone’s throw away from graduating with a BFA in Visual Arts. When she’s not making a mad dash towards that finish line, she’s working on Rune Master. Briana came up with the concept of the Rune Master world mainly out of boredom and too much free time on her hands. She’s too stubborn for her own good and enjoys being weird. Her favorite hobby (more of a lifestyle) is drawing, but she also loves writing, reading, playing video games, watching movies/cartoons, and nerdily analyzing the latter two. She hopes to eventually work in character design for video games/cartoons/etc and make BAH Studios a reality in the business world. Also, she finds writing about herself in the third person both amusing and awkward.

Co-Author: Carissa Palazzo

CARISSA PALAZZO is the co-writer for Rune Master, a Wicked/Wizard of Oz nerd, an anime/cartoon addict, a Playstation 2-oholic, has a degree in Literature (she’s not sure why yet), and hopes one day to have an epic cowboy webcomic once she has mad skillz… yo. In the meantime, she will doodle all over any piece of paper she receives, write down any ideas she gets in her tiny brain she has, and re-read The Enchanted Forest Chronicles for the hundred-and-fiftieth time. Carissa can be seen mostly at night bothering Briana for computer help, playing PS2, goofing off, reading, or playing her new Xbox 360.