As everyone knows; I’ve taken over ComicPress’s development for several years now (sorta) as a group with the others then when they bowed out kept it going because end-users use ComicPress.

Unfortunately any donations that people have given for the developement of ComicPress and it’s usage has not gone to me. The donation button on the site goes to Tyler Martin. Which in all reality it should. However, it’s come to the point where Tyler is MIA in development and hasn’t included himself in anything since 2.8.0.r5 was released.

I personally have nothing against Tyler, I dig the lug and hope whatever he’s doing is awesomesauce.

For the last year I have been trying to get out of developing ComicPress for several reasons, one of them is my health. Two times this year I have been to the point where I wouldn’t think I would see the next day, both times I have been blessed to recover nicely. The other reason is financial. Medical bills, living, a son that eats like a racehorse and a never ending multitude of fiasco’s involving a lemon of a car I bought. Lastly, I really like you guys (and girls – rawr) and feel that keeping ComicPress updated makes a real difference to you, that you have a viable means to show your art and story on the web. Ultimately I guess it’s a deep sadness that all the times that people have “appreciated” my efforts and assistance in helping you and them with your site is not specifically going towards me; to this I mean the donations on the site. I do not and have not received any donations from that, minus one time where in the notes it specifically put my name in it.

At one point in time I was considering making a ‘premium’ theme so that I can get out of the financial hole that I am in. Some great people responded with positive remarks towards wanting to have a great product available that justifies a price tag on it. Others, who are vocal and rude seemed to think it was more proper to think that life is free and shut that idea down with a big obnoxious hurtful drama.

It’s difficult sometimes to want to do things for people just out of sheer will to ‘want’ to be involved and helpful when the comic community members retaliate with spiteful remarks; so it was my decision to not make a premium theme. Unfortunately for the community I removed those very awesome things that made the premium theme awesome from ComicPress.

What i’m still doing with ComicPress and news on Comic Easel:

  1. I am going to keep updating ComicPress but on my own site, ComicPress.NET
  2. I am going to rewrite ComicPress Manager, cause frankly John Bintz is awesome but the understanding of it is too complex for most people.
  3. I will continue to update ComicPress but not always put full attention on it.
  4. ComicPress.NET has forums I will not respond on the forums ever again.
  5. I will add all documentation to the ComicPress.NET site including how-to’s and directions and common faqs that Tyler never got around to.

Comic Easel

  1. Comic Easel is still in development and still going to release it.
  • Problems with Comic Easel’s development and my health is going to make me push the release date back some.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to hit me up on the chat, email or reply.

– Phil

p.s. this post is subject to change for editing or continuation of thought – today.