ComicPress will update (be submitted to the theme review team) on the last day of each month. (If there’s an update) If there’s no update then won’t release at the beginning of the month and will wait until next beginning of the month.
— Except the first month of release of ComicPress 4.0 – where release fixes are done, will be sporadic during this time with grandchildren updates (4.0.1/2/3/4/etc)
— Major bugs will be submitted to the theme review team immediate upon fixing and will be children incremented #’s, 4.1/2/3/4/5/etc whereas the grandchildren revision # will restart at zero.
— Major feature additions will stay with the last day of each month and increment by child # as the major bugs revision is.
[ Rules of CSS changes ]
— In the first month of Major revision #’s (the first number in the revision) CSS Changes will be likely and will be reported in the change log. (to the non-scheme)
— After the first month, no element’s are allowed to change. (to the non-scheme) Unless it’s a Major Revision (first number in the revision), ver. 4, ver. 5 etc.
— Scheme CSS can only be modified if it fixes visual problems and cannot break DEFAULT/Release layouts.
PLEASE USE A CHILD THEME FOR YOUR -extra- design elements! and look of your site!
Easel –
Easel will not update with fresh code until I can create a plugin to add all of those old plugin-territory code that was inside of it. Once that is done I’ll get a new version out.
Comic Easel –
Updates every Sunday morning if there’s an update, revisions are based on the same as above. (starting now)
If there is nothing to update, then it will not update. — although the feature request list is still pretty big; post on the forums if you want to request a feature or some capability you want.
[ CSS Changes ]
Elements are NOT allowed to change after publishing of a feature, however cosmetics can change if they are serious.
Minimal CSS only allowed in release CSS, extra CSS to make Comic Easel CSS look proper for your theme should be done in the child theme/edit CSS of the theme as overrides. (use !important)
– Phil